Unlock Your Potential: Explore Our Fulfilling Roles in Physical Therapy!

Rocklin Physical Therapy

Workers' Compensation

  • Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)
  • Pre-Employment Screens
  • Work Hardening

We are a leading provider in the rehabilitation of injured workers. Our ability to deliver outstanding clinical outcomes is directly correlated to our patient, physician, employer, nurse case management and insurance provider relationships. Our physical therapists are experts in treating work-related injuries.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Our focus is to return patients to their previous work activities. We are dedicated to being part of the solution by delivering cost-effective services and stressing outcome-based/goal-oriented programs, working toward the goal of case resolution.

Work Conditioning/Work Hardening

Prepares the injured worker for return to work by providing an intensive, active program utilizing real and simulated work activities along with strengthening, flexibility and conditioning.

Work conditioning/hardening bridges the gap between outpatient therapy and the physical demands of the job. The program typically includes

  • 3-5 days per week, 2 to 4 hours per day
  • Strengthening the injury site
  • General total body strengthening and flexibility
  • Endurance and aerobic capacity training
  • Functional job specific work simulation to re-train and prepare for return-to-work duties and ensure no re-injury
  • Education/Body Mechanics/Ergonomics

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

A scientifically developed, objective process to measure a worker's physical capabilities and tolerances, also known as a worker's physical demand level (PDL). It supports quick and effective return-to-work, case resolution, vocational assessment, and disability determination so that the best decision possible can be made for the employee and their organization.

Its unique features include:

  • A validated scoring system. Competitors offer no scoring system and rely heavily on subjective therapist opinion and/or clinical guesswork.
  • Research-based extrapolations of work capacity to 8-hour day/40-hour week. Competitor evaluations often avoid making this extrapolation or make unreliable, subjective extrapolations to 8-hour day/40-hour week.
  • Research published in occupational medicine journals. Competitors’ findings often include (or are solely based on) non-published research.
  • Comprehensive research. Competitive research is often partial or incomplete.
  • A proven track record of defensibility. Competitor findings, because of the lack of objectivity and validity are often difficult to defend.


2217 Sunset Blvd.
Suite 711
Rocklin, CA 95765

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Why choose us?

When you choose Rocklin Physical Therapy for your care needs, you are choosing a team dedicated to providing the support and healing needed to get you back to your best. Our therapists will develop a personalized treatment plan unique to your needs leveraged through leading, outcomes-driven techniques intended to improve movement and overall function goals.

About our team

Our physical therapists are specially trained in a range of specialties. We will also work collaboratively with your support network - from primary doctors to collegiate athletic trainers - to help you safely return to your day-to-day life while optimizing performance and preventing re-injury. We treat patients of all ages, and we pride ourselves on ease of access, convenience, quality of care, and a positive family-friendly environment.

At physical therapy appointments, we encourage patients to wear comfortable clothing that enables free movement and that allows the therapist access to the injured body part. Most patients wear athletic clothes to their appointments.

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